Quadratec – Kindness Drives Jeep Duck Movement

Quadratec – Kindness Drives Jeep Duck Movement

They seem to be everywhere these days, preening on all kinds of Jeeps — Wrangler, CJ, Willys, Gladiator, or even Compass and Grand Cherokee. Little rubber ducks of all colors and sizes. Often, they appear on a side step or fender. Sometimes on bumpers, rear tire...
WGN TV – Jeep Ducking Looks to Spread Kindness

WGN TV – Jeep Ducking Looks to Spread Kindness

There’s a new craze sweeping across the Jeep community, it’s called “Jeep ducking”. Its the act of placing a small rubber duck on the vehicle of a fellow Jeep driver in an effort to spread kindness.     Allison Parliament is the CEO of Duck Duck...
Distractify – Rubber Ducks on the Dashboard

Distractify – Rubber Ducks on the Dashboard

The Jeep brand has built a loyal fan base who all have a seemingly strong bond and a sense of shared solidarity. They also share buyer solidarity with the different car brands that Jeep offers. From Wranglers to Cherokees, there is a type of Jeep for every Jeep...
Motortrend – What the Duck is Jeep Ducking?

Motortrend – What the Duck is Jeep Ducking?

The act of placing a rubber duck on someone’s Jeep—called Jeep “ducking” and/or “Duck Duck Jeep”—began with one person, named Allison Parliament, from a small town in the Canadian province of Ontario. She unknowingly started a movement of...
CTV News – Why Rubber Ducks are Appearing on Jeeps

CTV News – Why Rubber Ducks are Appearing on Jeeps

EDMONTON — For decades, Jeep owners have had the wave, and now they have a new way to connect with one another. Rubber ducks have been appearing on the off-road vehicles since July. “It’s just silly. It makes no sense. It’s funny and we kind of need that,” said...