CTV News – Why Rubber Ducks are Appearing on Jeeps

CTV News – Why Rubber Ducks are Appearing on Jeeps

EDMONTON — For decades, Jeep owners have had the wave, and now they have a new way to connect with one another. Rubber ducks have been appearing on the off-road vehicles since July. “It’s just silly. It makes no sense. It’s funny and we kind of need that,” said...
Detroit News – Detroit Auto Show

Detroit News – Detroit Auto Show

Detroit — Travelers on Jefferson Avenue downtown may see a peculiar sight this week and next: a 61-foot inflatable rubber duck. The “world’s largest rubber duck” is one of the new additions to the reimagined Detroit auto show incorporating...
Readers Digest – Rubber Ducky on a Jeep

Readers Digest – Rubber Ducky on a Jeep

Jeep is one of those brands that has a dedicated base of consumers who seem to be tethered to each other through a shared passion for Wranglers, Cherokees—and now Jeep ducks. The last item there isn’t a new car model, so what is it? Over the past few years, this...
BlogTO – Placing a Duck on a Jeep

BlogTO – Placing a Duck on a Jeep

Allison Parliament didn’t expect her simple act of kindness, placing a rubber duck on someone’s Jeep, to become a global phenomenon. Now, the fascination with “ducking a Jeep” has gone from Ontario to places like Dubai and Egypt. It all...